Monday Morning Dentistry
90-Day Clinical Accelerator

Next Start Date: 

September 9th, 2024 

Click Here to Sign Up

"The farmer that knows he needs a piece of equipment and doesn’t buy it, is paying for it already.  He just hasn’t quantified the cost."

- Anonymous

Doctors do you:

  • Think you should be producing more but aren’t sure how you can practice any faster and still maintain quality care?
  • Feel like you do good work, but you’re too inefficient and slow?
  • Feel like your procedure times are too variable causing irritability with patients and staff  and causing the schedule to regularly run behind?
  • Frequently refer  cases because you’re not confident you can deal with challenges that  might occur during treatment?
  • Refer cases to avoid the embarrassment of sending them to a specialist after failing to complete a procedure? 
  • Hear about docs that can do molar endo in an hour or surgical extractions in less than 10 min and wonder how that’s possible?
  • Feel like office systems are disorganized and procedures don’t run smoothly?
  • Need a refresher in dental basics without taking hundreds of hours of CE?

If you have associates, do you:

  • Struggle to hold consistent quality assurance and mentoring meetings
  • Feel overwhelmed trying to train and get them practicing on par with the standards of the office? 
  • Feel lost on where to begin training for that perfect blend of procedure skill and speed?
  • Find yourself looking for resources to shorten the “experience learning curve” we all face?
  • Wish they could be more effective at treatment planning and case presentation?
  • Find they are spending too much time on hygiene exams with too little case acceptance?

Good News!
These are exactly the kinds of problems I can help you solve in my 90 Clinical Accelerator Course.

The ideas and protocols in this  course were developed from more than 30 years of “in the trenches”  lessons learned while practicing in my own office as well as personally coaching hundreds of dentists in my time with the Dental Success Companies. 

The 90 Day Clinical Accelerator is designed for new dentists who are just starting their careers or established docs who are looking to improve efficiency and productivity.

Over 90 days join me as you focus on:

  • Increased quality and productivity with reduced procedure time.
  • Anticipating procedural challenges and having a system to solve them without delaying the rest of your day.  
  • Performing molar endo in an hour or a surgical extraction in 10 minutes
  • Developing organized systems for set ups and procedural flow so it doesn't feel like you’re dragging the cart uphill and by yourself. 
  • Upgrading your team with the good, better, best system for room prep.  Average 8 minutes for any room set up
  • Cut through the noise and get clear on the minimal inputs necessary for each procedure to be successful.

If you have associates you can be confident: 

  • They are getting regular mentoring/coaching by a doctor with 30+ years of clinical  and practice management experience.
  • I have trained hundreds of dentists in my signature blend of greater efficiency and high productivity protocols.
  • These protocols don't require any fancy (expensive) equipment or major changes to the way you run your office.
  • This course will help them shorten their learning curves and start presenting and performing more productive and lower stress dentistry. 
Click Here to Sign Up

How Does It Work?

Over the course of 90 days you will meet twice a week via zoom for approximately an hour each with me and the 90 Day Accelerator Group. 

Meeting dates are Mondays at 8:00 pm EST and Thursdays at 6:00 pm EST.

It is highly encouraged that you prepare to attend all meetings, including adjusting your clinical schedule to be present. Courses will be recorded in the event this isn’t possible, but results cannot be guaranteed without an openness to coaching and a dedication to implementation.

Weekly exercises in the form of training, challenges and implementable tasks to accomplish will be given. (The quality of your exercises will dictate the quality of your results).

You are encouraged to regularly engage in the group and upload cases to review on case review days.

The 90 Day Clinical accelerator is structured for those looking to start by increasing clinical outcomes by 30% in as little as 60 days. 


1) Attend at least 1 live meeting per week. 

2) Complete all exercises and homework prior to each meeting

3) Engage regularly within the 90 Day Accelerator Facebook Group

The 90 Day Clinical  Accelerator will include everything that you need to become a more evolved and practical clinician. It will train you on how to use the minimum effective dose of doctor input to get the maximum productivity out of your team and your time in the office. 

It is important to understand however, that in order to achieve optimal results, participation cannot be passive or incomplete. 

In fairness to my time and yours, we will only be accepting motivated action takers who are willing to implement and are ready to focus and be responsible for their own success.

If you think this program might be right for you, or if you have an associate that might benefit from the program, please fill out the form below and follow the link to set up your exploratory call with me.

The Payoff?

Working smarter not harder as well as 24 hours of continuing education.

"What this course accomplished in 90 days would have taken us a year to do on our own. Thanks so much for your help!"
-- Dr. Kristina Neda


"Dr. Nicholas's 90-day accelerator course really helped me 'level up' as a General dentist. I would without hesitation recommend it to all my friends and colleagues. He is both an excellent clinician and an easy guy to talk to. I picked up several 'golden nuggets' from his course, but most notably I was able to reduce my chair time for a molar root canal and crown from a painstaking four hours to just two! Thanks again Doc for making a significant difference in the way I practice dentistry!"
-- Dr. Peter Sharifi


"This program helped with discussions with my assistants on treatment flow and improving our efficiency as a team. There were numerous tips from anesthesia, to exams, to extractions that we have and we will be utilizing."
-- Dr. Trevor Fraiser


"Dr. Nicholas is not only a master clinician but also a world-class instructor. This is the kind of doctor that we all wish we had the opportunity to learn from when we were first getting into dentistry. With his [associate training program], I was able to give that opportunity to my associate. Dr. Nicholas did an incredible job  helping them create efficiencies and increase the speed and quality of his dentistry. I saw my associate gain confidence and start to show leadership amongst his team members. I highly recommend Dr Aaron Nicholas' 90 Day Clinical Accelerator for anyone who has an associate with a hunger to learn and improve their skills. It has only created more profitability for me, lasting skills and abilities for my associate, and helped the team to be more organized and efficient. If you have an associate and don't have the time to train a young doc, this program is right for you."
--Dr. Brady Marshall
"As a new graduate, this course was what I needed to bridge the gap of being a dental student to dentist. Not only did I learn how to be efficient in procedures and working with assistants, but I also had a better understanding on work flow. I can see improvement on time and I feel more confident in what I am doing. "
-- Dr. Alyssa Patel
This was a great course for those who want to increase their clinical speed and efficiency. This course covers everything from procedure set-up to communication with staff and patients to specific procedural steps. As part of the course, you even get some instruments, files, and burs to utilize as soon as they are discussed in the course. I have been practicing dentistry for over 11 years and wish I had this course when I graduated! It has given me the tools to increase my confidence and efficiency, and I highly recommend it."
-- Dr. Daniel Dunavant

Fill out the information below and a member of the Monday Morning Dentistry Team will reach out to you.